The Infection and Leland games are still complete "standard" Ataxx because the board size, the pieces colours, the beginning positions, the blocks... Nothing has changed, except, of course, some powerful parameters.
Very quickly, it will be reproduced and a true infatuation is coming. First reruns seem to be called Spot, particularly with the 7-up Cool Spot.
Then the spelling "Ataxx" is essential for a while, on several platforms, with a Mac Ataxx, an Amiga Attacks. There was also Boogers, under The Imagination Network. On Macintosh computers, the Backstab d'Outland, we find again, on the edge of the board, a smiley remembering the spectres cluster, but we play with pieces, instead of "splotches". It is no more an arcade game, it is a board game.
A short infatuation
At the end of 1991, two very near games are created under Windows, with the complete "standard" characteristics, and became references : at first the Millennium Attaxx, then Oberon. Twice use numerous blocks configurations. The first presents, at his lower level, "Easy Eddy", an opponent as stupid as "Colony" in the Leland game.
Other Ataxx games are created. Even, it seems that some Berkeley university students teach algorithms of the game, and organised some human tournaments.
From 1993, interest is clearly decreasing. There is a scattering, because of the game have multiple names, because there are often no reference to the original spelling.
So it is called Microscope in The 7th Guest, CD-Rom game, with puzzles. Its difficulty attracted many players, who don't attach it to its original family.
For a rebirth...
In 1996-1997, there is a renewal, with the java games for the Web. I hope that this first historic trial will help...
Ataxx has so powerful characteristics to become a popular game !