Dave Crummack and Craig Galley were forgotten when Infection became Ataxx and Spot. After the creation of this site, I need 3 years to find the existence of, at first, Infection (thanks to Mark Incley !) and then (thanks to Andrew Wright !) the Wise Owl Software and the two video fans who played in the evenings, moving pieces and infecting the opponent...
They continued on the same way, pursuing video game careers. They both moved to Austin, USA. In 2000, Dave Crummack is Director of Product Development for "Acclaim Studios Austin" and Craig Galley is Technical Director and Co-founder of "Inevitable Entertainment, Inc". Inevitable ? Was'nt Ataxx inevitable, for mixing reversi and checkers ?
Bonus. From the site panglott.blogspot.fr two photos of a board game of Leland ataxx :
Alain Beyrand, with participation of Dave Crummack, Craig Galley, Mark Incley and Andrew Wright