Introduction: the beginning, 15 November, 1998
first written for the chapter: Pressibus freeware for Windows
To be interested in using freeware in combination with a proprietary operating-system is a first step towards using a free operating-system... Fine, so long as it's sufficiently convenient to use (or promises to be). Fine, if the free operating-system is of better quality.
Is Linux convenient to use? Yes for a computer-buff or for those who have the assistance of one . Not as yet for the great majority of users. But things are improving rapidly...
The chronicle that follows is the story of my migration from Windows to Linux. Or possibly of a failure in mid-journey... And this journey is likely to last a very long time, several years, since I am now so used to having everything just as I want it in Windows... Plus the fact that I haven't much time to devote to this migration, which is tantamount to a total change in culture.
In the realm of free software
This site was created on 13 May 1999. Some of the pages existed earlier, from 15 November 1998 1998 in the chapter: Pressibus Freeware for Windows.
I work on a station using both Windows and Linux, an unusual solution, but very good: see the page Mon installation