- Important remark : this programm becomes unuseful with Windows 98 and the addition of the programm "System Informations", for the option "Software environment - Drivers - startup programms" (translation from the french words...).
- You want to replace a word, or several, a sentence, or several, a character string, or several, in the files of a folder, or miscellaneous folders ? BK ReplaceEM is the tool that will easily do it, and do it again.
To become the master of his text and Html files !
- I now explai the example corresponding to the above picture. I am going from the provider Lenet to the provider Infonie, so that I have to modify all my Wen and email adress, in my personal pages and in the pages of my site that I have to upload to my new provider.
- I create a "File Set", that I call "Modif ponctuelle".
I associate 3 folders (and sub-folders) with the ".html" fields to modify, and another with the ".txt" files (by using the right click of the mouse, command "Add groups").
- And in the bottom frame, I say that in all these files, I anywhere replace :
- www.lenet by perso.infonie,
- Lenet by Infonie,
- lenet.fr by infonie.fr
(so, particularly, http://www.lenet.fr/pressibus will become http://perso/infoie/pressibus and pressibus@lenet.fr will become infonie@pressibus).
- And I launch the replacement !
- You may save the replacement files, to use them again. You may use the parameters to create backup files, to exclude the sub-folders, to work with alones files, to move the modified files... You may use special characters as tabulations.
- To download this software, very well done by Bill Klein, for BK Computer Programming, congratulated by PC Magazine, go to the page of the author.