- Important remark : this programm becomes unuseful with Windows 98 and the addition of the programm "System Informations", for the option "Software environment - Drivers - startup programms" (translation from the french words...).
- Among the programs launched by Windows at the startup, someones are not in the startup folder(start button - Programs - Startup). They are hidden, excepted in the registry. Happily, there is this program "Startup".
- For instance, above, it shows the program systray (don't remove it, it is the "tray bar" of Windows), the Tweak UI Power Toy, the Zipmagic program and two antivirus programs.
- However this program allows to add, delete, update some progrmas in the list, it is better to only see and use the usual install and uninstall programs. But sometimes there are accidents (uncomplete deletions...) and it is good to have "Startup"...
- To download, go to the this page. The author is the Indonesian Dony Isnandi.