- Once upon a time, a german, called Björn Ischo, found that his "tray bar" was too full of icons, and that it was interesting to gather some utilities in one alone. So, he created Tray HQ.
It is the swiss knife of the Windows desktop
- Left and right clicks on the icon :
- Tray HQ gives :
- a text file opened with a notepad, for instance to remember what you have to do (it appears by left click on the tray icon and you may modify and save),
- a calendar, with notes by day,
- a clipboard capture, for all thing copied, or by using collections of texts;
- a calculator,
- a stop timer,
- an address list (with URL and e-mail launched),
- a control of Audio CD,
- a hot-corner to launch the screen saver,
- a box to execute programs.
- All these things don't replace the best utilities dedicated to each task, because there are some limitations. However, if you may use regularly at least 2 or 3 options, it is an interesting software. Myself, I use the 4 first fonctions, listed above.
- The program may work in a little window, above the others, in a corner of the screen, and it is an important quality.
- Attention : the version 1.61 has some annoyances in the use of the Notepad. At first, keep care to not use the tabulation (all behind a tabulation, in a line, is lost). Then, the correspondence between the text of the NotePad (saved - why ? - in the file windows/trayhq.ini) and the corresponding .txt file needs to do himself the saves.
- To get Tray HQ, see the page Shareware of Björn Ischo.