Once you have understood the codification of colours, it is easy to add colour to the background of a page ("Body" tag), or in rectangular areas ("Table" tag), or in fonts ("Font" tag), and also elsewhere, such as in pictures.
But...but... it is not easy when you are searching for a specific colour. I hope that this page will provide some assistance...
Remarks :
- on the corresponding French page, colours are ordered by families (blue, yellow...) (always in the English sense),
- if some colours appear identical, this is almost certainly because you have a 256-colour resolution,
- here, I have copied the colours from the "HTMLib Colour Wizard v3.0", that I set up (with some defaults of course...).
Alain Beyrand - 27/12/97
AliceBlue - f0f8ff - 240/248/255 |
Antiquewhite - faebd7 - 250/235/215 |
Aquamarine - 7fffd4 - 127/255/212 |
Azure - f0ffff- 240/255/255 |
Beige - f5f5dc - 245/245/220 |
Bisque - ffe4ba - 255/228/186 |
Black - 000000 - 000/000/000 |
Blanchedalmond - ffebcd - 255/235/205 |
Blue - 0000ff - 000/000/255 |
Blueviolet - 262be2 - 250/235/215 |
Brown - a5292a - 000/255/255 |
Burlywood - deb887 - 222/184/135 |
CadetBlue - 5f9ea0 - 095/158/160 |
Chartreuse - 7fff00 - 127/255/000 |
Chocolate - d2691e - 210/105/030 |
Coral - ff7f50 - 255/127/080 |
Cornflowerblue - 6495ed - 100/149/237 |
Cornsilk - ff30dc - 255/048/220 |
Crimson - dc143c - 220/020/060 |
Cyan - 00ffff - 000/255/255 |
Darkblue - 00008b - 000/000/139 |
Darkcyan - 008b8b - 000/139/139 |
Darkgoldenrod - b8840b - 184/132/011 |
Darkgreen - 006400 - 000/100/000 |
Darkkhaki - bdb76b - 189/183/107 |
Darkmagenta - 8b008b - 139/000/139 |
Darkolivegreen - 556b2f - 085/107/047 |
Darkorange - ff8c00 - 255/140/000 |
Darkorchid - 9932cc - 153/050/204 |
Darkred - 8b0000 - 139/000/000 |
Darksalmon - e9967a - 233/150/122 |
Darkseagreen - 8fbc8f - 143/188/143 |
Darkslateblue - 483d88 - 072/061/139 |
Darkslategray - 2f4f4f - 047/079/079 |
Darkturquoise - 00ced1 - 000/206/209 |
Darkviolet - 9400d3 - 148/000/211 |
Deeppink - ff1493 - 255/020/147 |
Deepskyblue - 00bfff - 000/191/255 |
Dimgray - 696969 - 105/105/105 |
Dodgerblue - 1e90ff - 030/144/255 |
Firebrick - b22222 - 178/034/034 |
Floralwhite - fffaf0 - 255/250/240 |
Forestgreen - 228b22 - 034/139/034 |
Fuchsia - ff00ff - 000/206/209 |
Gainsboro - dcdcdc - 220/220/220 |
Ghostwhite - f8f8ff - 248/248/255 |
Gold - ffff00 - 255/255/000 |
Goldenrod - daa520 - 218/165/032 |
Gray - 808080 - 128/128/128 |
Green - 008000 - 000/128/000 |
Greenyellow- adff2f - 173/255/047 |
Hotpink - ff69b4 - 255/105/180 |
Indianred - cd5c5c - 205/092/092 |
Indigo - 4b0082 - 075/000/130 |
Ivory - fffff0 - 255/255/240 |
Khaki - f0e68c - 240/230/140 |
Lavender - e6e6fa - 230/230/250 |
Lavenderblush - fff0f5 - 255/240/245 |
Lawngreen - 7cfc00 - 124/252/000 |
Lemonchiffon - fffacd - 255/250/205 |
Lightblue - add8e6 - 173/216/230 |
Lightcoral - f08080 - 240/128/128 |
Lightcyan - e0ffff - 224/255/255 |
Lightgoldenrodyellow - fafad2 - 250/250/210 |
Lightgreen - 90ee90 - 144/238/144 |
Lightgrey - d3d3d3 - 211/211/211 |
Lightpink - ffb6c1 - 255/182/193 |
Lightsalmon - ffa07a - 255/160/122 |
Lightseagreen - 20b2aa - 032/178/170 |
Lightskyblue - 87cefa - 135/206/250 |
Lightslategray - 778899 - 119/136/153 |
Lightsteelblue - b0c4de - 176/196/222 |
Lightyellow - f4ffe0 - 244/255/224 |
Lime - 00ff00 - 000/255/000 |
Limegreen - 32cd32 - 050/205/050 |
Linen - faf0e6 - 250/240/230 |
Magenta - ff00ff - 255/000/255 |
Maroon - 800000 - 128/000/000 |
Mediumaquamarine - 66cdaa - 102/205/170 |
Mediumblue - 0000cd - 000/000/205 |
Mediumorchid - ba55d3 - 186/085/211 |
Mediumpurple - 9370db - 147/112/219 |
Mediumseagreen - 3cb371 - 060/179/113 |
Mediumslateblue - 7b68ee - 123/104/238 |
Mediumspringgreen - 00fa9a - 000/250/154 |
Mediumturquoise - 48d1cc - 072/209/204 |
Mediumvioletred - c71585 - 199/021/133 |
Midnightblue - 191970 - 025/025/112 |
Mintcream - f5fffa - 245/255/250 |
Mistyrose - ffe4ff - 255/228/255 |
Moccasin - ffe4b5 - 255/228/181 |
Navajowhite - fffead - 255/222/173 |
Navy - 000080 - 000/000/128 |
Oldlace - fdf5e6 - 253/245/230 |
Olive - 808000 - 128/128/000 |
Olivedrab - 6b8e23 - 107/142/035 |
Orange - ffa500 - 255/165/000 |
Orangered - ff4500 - 255/069/000 |
Orchid - da70d6 - 218/112/214 |
Palegoldenrod - eee8aa - 238/232/170 |
Palegreen - 98fb98 - 152/251/152 |
Paleturquoise - afeeee - 175/238/238 |
Palevioletred - db7093 - 219/112/147 |
Papayawhip - ffefd5 - 255/239/213 |
Peachpuff - ffdab9 - 255/218/185 |
Peru - cd8540 - 205/133/064 |
Pink - ffc0cb - 255/192/203 |
Plum - dda0dd - 221/160/221 |
Pressibusblue - 000099 - 000/000/153 |
Pressibusyellow - ffcc00 - 255/204/200 |
Pressibusgreen - 99cc99 - 153/204/153 |
Powderblue - b0e0e6 - 176/224/230 |
Purple - 800080 - 128/000/128 |
Red - ff0000 - 255/000/000 |
Rosybrown - bc8f8f - 188/143/143 |
Royalblue - 4169e1 - 065/105/225 |
Saddlebrown - 8b4513 - 139/069/019 |
Salmon - fa7872 - 250/120/114 |
Sandybrown - f4a460 - 244/164/096 |
Seagreen - 2e8b57 - 046/139/087 |
Seashell - fff5ee - 255/245/238 |
Sienna - a0522d - 160/082/045 |
Silver - c0c0c0 - 192/192/192 |
Skyblue - 87cdeb - 135/205/235 |
Slateblue - 6a5acd - 106/090/205 |
Slategray - 708090 - 112/128/144 |
Snow - fffafa - 255/250/250 |
Springreen - 00ff7f - 000/255/127 |
Steelbue - 4582b4 - 070/130/180 |
Tan - d2b48c - 210/180/140 |
Teal - 008080 - 000/128/128 |
Thistle - d8bfd8 - 216/191/216 |
Tomato - ff6347 - 255/099/071 |
Turquoise - 40e0d0 - 064/224/208 |
Violet - ee82ee - 238/130/238 |
Wheat - f5deb3 - 245/222/179 |
White - ffffff - 255/255/255 |
Whitesmoke - f5f5f5 - 245/245/245 |
Yellow - ffff00 - 255/255/000 |
Yellowgreen - 9acd32 - 154/205/050 |