My favourite game
It is called Ataxx, I spelled it Attax when I first set up the site, but after considerable research, it is now an important chapter, the most comprehensive on the subject.
I also like to play the Microsoft game "Tetris", but it makes me fume, because it unlocks my numeric keyboard...
My favourite singer
He is unique and you can find out all about him on the chapter Manset.
My favourite comic-artist
His name is Edmond Baudoin, and I have dedicated several pages to him on the chapter Comics from here and there (not translated in english, but there are several pictures).
My favourites among more recent comics
1 american, 1 italian and 3 french ! Hum...
L'Ascension du Haut-Mal (3 tomes) by David B. (Beauchard) (L'Association),
Le 13ème Calvin et Hobbes by Bill Watterson (Hors Collection),
Elsa (2 tomes) by Makyo and Faure (Glénat),
Jonas Fink (2 tomes) by Vittorio Giardino (Casterman).
Quelques jours avec un menteur by Etienne Davodeau (Delcourt).
And "My (mainly french) favourites among web-sites devoted to comics?... You will find them in studies in comics, chapter "Divers", page "Sites et forums".
My favourite software
I have created a chapter about my favourite Windows freeware...