The Copernic program drives search engines for you. It gives history of searchs. There is a freeware version (searchs on the Web, on the news) and a shareware version (also serchs on other domains). It is made in Quebec by Agent Technologies (Meb) Corp.
To organize your searchs on the Web
If you want to make a simple search on the Web, it is good to use some search engines, as it on the Pressibus site "Internet Perso". But, Copernic is precious for frequent searchs on the same objet, because it memorizes the results.
As seen on the above screen, you begin by memorize what you search, where and how. Then you launch the search :
Then you have the results, to display and archiv. In the next search, you see the new results added, in bold.
It is also very practical that Copernic choose and parameters the search engines, with updates at the beginning of call.
For download, go on the Copernic site (size around 2 Mb).