- As S.I.D. and Berries, this is a game to play on the Internet with a CGI server (so it is slow...). It is the most classical. Created in 1997.
- 7x7 board, five blocks configuration, pieces coloured in red (human who begins) and blue, classical beginning positions, notification by little circles of the available destinations. Low level.
- The english author, Andrew Wilson, gives the rules in 8 points. He presents this game, by the name "Ataxx", beside 5others classical ones, slider, hangman, tic tac toe, connect 4, and othello. (so the name : "All mixed up").
- Additions are planned, particularly to play between two humans, with a chat window. This site is simply and well done for giving a little relaxation for young and older visitors. So there is a big audience.
- To play, click on this link.