Chris is a canadian student, and; for his CSC486 project, he decides to make a Java Hexxagon, to learn this programmation language.
The only problem is that I don't know the first thing about Java
In his presentation, Chris says that the original game is originally produced by Argo Games, so the SC Hexxagon.
The board is similar to the standard SC Hexxagon. Here hexagons are regular (not flat), and the pieces are red (human) and blue (computer), as the classical Ataxx colours. The destination hexagons become blue when clicking on a playable piece.
The look of the game is very pleasant, but the level is very low, and the board being displayed (very quickly) at each click, it is a little tiring.
The author thinks to have made the first Java Hexxagon, but it may be more the Baars Java Hexxagon. There is a version to play between two humans on the internet, thru a server, not always opened.